2021 IHSPA Spring News (Iowa)
Column ( Class C)
Place Name:
First Place
Contestant Name:
Iowa City City HS
Entry Title:
A Career Well Lived
Entry Credit:
Rachel Marsh
Place Name:
Second Place
Contestant Name:
North HS (Des Moines)
Entry Title:
Isolation and Animal Crossing
Entry Credit:
Nat Huber
Place Name:
Third Place
Contestant Name:
Iowa City City HS
Entry Title:
The Virus of Senioritis
Entry Credit:
Shoshanna Hemley
Place Name:
Honorable Mention
Contestant Name:
North HS (Des Moines)
Entry Title:
Is Child Exploitation the New Norm?
Entry Credit:
Mykenzey Granillo
Place Name:
Honorable Mention
Contestant Name:
Johnston HS
Entry Title:
Stop Giving Gifts
Entry Credit:
Savannah Dennis
Place Name:
Honorable Mention
Contestant Name:
Iowa City City HS
Entry Title:
Coronavirus Conspiracies
Entry Credit:
Jack Carrel