2024 IHSPA Fall Yearbook (Iowa)
Environmental photo / caption ( Class C)
Place Name:
First Place
Contestant Name:
Bettendorf HS
Entry Title:
As Sparks Fly
Entry Credit:
Reece Schrader
Place Name:
Second Place
Contestant Name:
Iowa City West HS
Entry Title:
Feeling the spirit
Entry Credit:
Emily Rabe
Place Name:
Third Place
Contestant Name:
Waterloo West High School
Entry Title:
Capturing the Moment
Entry Credit:
Reagn Westphal
Place Name:
Honorable Mention
Contestant Name:
Pleasant Valley HS
Entry Title:
Hunger Games
Entry Credit:
Place Name:
Honorable Mention
Contestant Name:
Waterloo West High School
Entry Title:
All That Jazz
Entry Credit:
Alisyn Parkhurst